Sequanota - Inspiring kids to be:

independent, persistent, faithful, a servant to others, creative, kind, compassionate

Sign up now for a summer of silly fun! Summer camp is all about kids being kids in a safe and loving environment. It's a chance for them to get away and just have fun while finding friends and building their relationship with God. It's an opportunity for kids to push themselves to try new things, learn new skills, and discover their full potential. Sign up for camp today, for the chance to discover new heights.

Erin (mom): "Katie talks about Sequanota ALL THE TIME. For me... I value the time she has to learn about God, the time to have fun and learn new skills, and the time to be a kid outdoors! She grew during her time at camp in her spiritual walk, her independence, and her self-confidence.”

boys swimming

Upcoming Events

Mother's Day Lunch is full

Retreats at camp
Tend Festival - (June)

Support Sequanota
Golf Benefit (August)

Swimming Lessons

Registration is open and sessions are filling quickly!

Online Camp Store

We have a new online store. Get cool Sequanota gear shipped directly to your house!

Sequanota is a year-round, Christian-based retreat center and camp, located in the Laurel Highlands region of south central PA.